We seek to encourage people of all ages to grow in their knowledge of God and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ by: coming together to worship God; learning from His word; and encouraging one another in fellowship. Do come and join us.
Our ministry team is evangelical. This means:
• we take God’s Word, the Bible, seriously, as authoritative in all our teaching and living.
• we see Jesus as the unique Son of God and therefore central to our salvation.
• we rely upon the Holy Spirit in all our endeavours.
• we seek to depend upon God in prayer and encourage each other to be servants in the Church and light & salt in the world.
• we believe in justification by faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone.
• we strive to encourage Godly conduct, mutual service and prayerful witness as we look forward to Jesus’ return in glory.
Please contact us if you have questions.